Archive for April 27th, 2011

April 27, 2011

5 Wacky days – day 2,

no… it’s not what I aim for today…

just a quick update…
I ate too much, my paper… ah I just stared at it, though my introduction is clean now!! haha and outline is in a great shape, but there still a lot to do… a lot of things to be caught up…

and yes… I am hurt because of “you” ck ck ck…you think I don’t know?
oh maybe I don’t know… but whatever it is, I am hurt. I am disappointed…
Disappointed to myself, and to you too!!!
yes you…

tolong enyah dong dari pikiran saya…

motivasi, kamu di mana???

Yah, 3 hari lagi! dan saya frustrasi…

Paling tidak, malam ini Body Paragraph 1 saya sudah harus selesai… dan 15 referensi selesai…

Sleepless in Minneapolis